Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The day is finally here..

Menyambung blog gue yang diposting sudah hampir 1 tahun lalu, yang berjudul .. "Mulutmu Harimaumu" .. Ini lanjutannya..

Here I am.. all bags are packed and I'm ready to go! Today I'm leaving Jakarta for Denpasar, and will be leaving Denpasar for Perth the next day.

I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Ini pertama kalinya pergi jauh, dengan penerbangan yang agak lama sama anak-anak. ^^

I still believe that it is not a coincidence. Kembali ke Perth setelah anak pertama gue berumur 5 tahun, ternyata bukan sebuah harapan palsu, bukan hanya sekedar omongan biasa. It has became a reality. I really thank God for that!

oh God.. I am so thankful for everything. You are so good!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Perth holiday..

25 more days before my Perth holiday. Excited and busy at the same time.. Really have to make a list of things that I will bring for my beloved friends over there.. :)

Can't wait to see you guys.. Miss u abundantly!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What a Family really means..

On this day, God wants you to know
... that family is not a name for a group of people, but the quality of relationships between them. Relationships grounded in mutual love, trust, caring and forgiveness. In all the ups and all the downs of life. Look closely, - who is really your family, and who in truth are just strangers in for the ride?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Forgive You..

"I forgive you" ... sebuah kata yang sangat mudah dikatakan, tapi sulit dilakukan.. Dalam kehidupan yang saya jalani, banyak sekali orang yang ngomong.. "Gw ga bisa maafin dia. Dia udah nyakitin gw, gini dan gitu, bla bla bla.." tetapi pada orang yang bersangkutan, dia bisa bilang "Iye.. dah gw maapin".. Tapi kenyataannya, dalam hati, kita ga bisa sangkal bahwa kita terluka, dan kita nggak akan bisa maafin orang tersebut. Kita ngomong "I forgive you" cuma semata-mata biar urusan kita sama dia beres. Fullstop.

Dalam sebuah hubungan yang dilandasi cinta / kasih sayang, rasanya memaafkan begitu mudah. Saya berbuat salah sama suami, saya minta maaf, dia memaafkan, dan hubungan berlangsung baik lagi. Dia berbuat salah ke saya, dia minta maaf, saya memaafkan, dan hubungan kembali normal. Demikian juga sama orang yang lagi pacaran.. Pacarnya bikin salah, minta maaf, dimaafkan, jalan lagi. Tetapi buat saya, rule ini ADA selagi hubungan ini dilandasi oleh LOVE.

Saat seseorang tidak lagi memiliki rasa sayang sama pasangannya, di sinilah "pintu maaf" mulai terkunci rapat, dan perceraian / putus terjadi.

Ya memang, disakiti rasanya sakit. Kalo nggak sakit, bukan disakiti namanya. Hehehe.. Tetapi sebuah luka pun ada obat / penyembuhnya kok. Sakit hati juga pasti ada obatnya.. Bagi saya, obatnya itu kembali lagi : LOVE.

Kenapa Tuhan Yesus ajarkan.. "Kasihilah musuhmu.." ? Saya yakin, Tuhan Yesus nggak mau kita hidup dalam kebencian. "Kasihilah sesamamu manusia".. ya, 'musuh' kita pun masih manusia. Dan ingat loh.. kita juga masih manusia biasa.. yang tak sempurna dan kadang salah :P Saat kita membenci seseorang dan hidup dalam kungkungan kebencian, yang rugi itu kita sendiri. Kita nggak bisa menikmati hidup, sebel kalo liat dia 'haha-hehe' ama temen-temennya, rasanya ngedenger suaranya dari jauh aja bawaannya dah uuuuggghhhh... sebel! Yang rugi siapa? Yang meradang siapa? Dia mah lewat ya lewat aja tanpa beban..

Abis itu kita yang kesel sendiri "Duh, tu orang ga peka banget ya? Gak tau apa gw sebel banget ama dia.." Apalagi dianya menegur / mencoba ramah sama kita. Padahal nih.. bagi dia, masalah udah selesai saat kita bilang "I forgive you.." Setelah itu, masalah terbesar ada di dalam diri kita sendiri sebenarnya.

Saat kita mulai berkata "saya ga bisa maafin kamu" .. sadar atau tidak.. kita sudah nggak lagi memiliki kasih..

1 Korintus 13 : 5-7 (versi "The Message") berkata seperti ini:
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Atau dalam versi lain (New Living Translation).. dikatakan
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Kadang, saat kita dilukai, kita terlalu mengasihani diri sendiri, karena kita merasa kita adalah 'korban'.. sehingga kita lupa kalau mungkin kita juga pernah menyakiti orang lain baik sengaja maupun nggak sengaja.

Semua orang nggak akan luput dari kesalahan. Yang terpenting adalah kita sadar bahwa kita salah, dan mau memperbaikinya. Terkadang kita terlalu cepat nge-judge orang bahwa dia nggak akan pernah bisa berubah. Eh.. Siapa tau, karena kita, karena masalah ini, dia jadi berubah? We never know..

Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk diisi dengan kebencian... Fill it with love, because love comes from God. Love each other, forgive each other.. let's make this world a better place.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

More Of You

Jesus I am thirsty
Won't You come and fill me
Earthly things have left me dry
Only You can satisfy
All I want is more of You..

All I want is more of You
All I want is more of You
Nothing I desire Lord
But more of You..

Out of my tiredness and sadness yesterday, this song was suddenly played repeatedly in my mind and my heart. I sang and sang .. and I prayed.. Prayed that God will restore and revive me..

Guess what? Within 5 minutes after I said "amen" .. all the weariness, tiredness, sadness, worries disappear.. Thanks God.. I love You more and more..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friends Forever..

I always wonder what 'friends forever' is really like.. How do you know that he/she will be your friend forever?

Akhir-akhir ini, mungkin karena kesibukan saya dan Catur, saya merasakan ada 'something missing' in my life. Apalagi ketika saya membuka facebook dan melihat photo updates-nya teman-teman saya dan itu bener-bener membuat saya iri setengah mati. Oh Gosh! I miss them a lot..

Sekali lagi, mungkin karena kesibukan saya dan keletihan yang saya alami, membuat saya berpikir yang tidak-tidak tentang mereka. Dan saya juga mulai introspeksi diri saya, apakah ada yang salah dengan saya? Saya bener-bener merasa 'left out' ..

Saya pikir.. ya sudahlah.. Mungkin memang 'waktu' saya untuk mereka sudah selesai. Sounds 'lebay'?? Hehehe.. ya maklum deh.. saya termasuk tipe 'melankolis'.. :P Dan saya juga bukanlah seseorang yang dengan mudahnya bisa berteman dengan siapa saja. Saya terkesan kaku, pendiam (errr.. Belum tau dia.. Once I talk, I cannot stop.. :D), judes.. (untuk yang ini, I tried not to look like that.. tapi apa daya ya.. bawaan lahir.. Hihihi).. Jadi saat saya bener-bener mendapatkan seorang teman, apalagi sahabat, I'll treasure him/her the most. Saya akui, mungkin terkadang terkesan posesif, mungkin 'keposesifan' saya ini yang membuat saya iri dengan teman-teman saya, atau mereka memilih untuk menjauh dari saya.. Oh well.. time to change, then :p

Tetapi ya gitu.. tiba-tiba muncullah pertanyaan tadi.. "Is there such thing as 'friends forever'.. or do friendships change over time?" Dan konklusi saya jatuh pada "Yes. Friendships do change over time."

It's so nice when friends turn to "best friends".. but it hurts when best friends downgrade to ordinary friends..

I found some quotes about friendship that I like..

“Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there”

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart”

Anyway, may be it's just a part of my mellow 'curhat' .. Treasure your friends!

Monday, November 22, 2010

All My Way

The day I chose to give my life to You
Is the day that everything began to change
The problems that I faced
Were getting stronger
I thought when I got saved
My problems would go away
But the change I made
Began to really take a toll on me
And when I told my friends about You Lord
The laughed hysterically
But no matter what they say
Or what they choose to think of me
I'm gonna stay here strong
For You my Lord
No matter what the cost may be

I'm gonna serve You
Because I love You
I'm going with You
All the way
When friends forsake me
I won't let it break me
I'm going with You
All the way
All the way

Now the problems that I face are getting smaller
Because my faith in You
Is getting oh so strong
The peace and love from You
It keeps me standing
Through anything I go through
I know that I can't lose
'Cause the more I pray
The more I feel Your strength inside of me
And the more I seek Your face
I find You're all I really need
And this feeling that I feel
I've never felt since I've been free
I'm gonna stand here strong
For You my Lord
No matter what the cost may be
(All The Way - Ron Kenoly)

I was doing my cardio when I listened to this song. Oh well.. although I have the original CD, but I never listened to it before. The song itself is not special, the tunes are not catchy.. but it was the lyric that struck me and made me pause my exercise for a while..

It is true that as Christians, we sometimes think that life will be very easy.. our problems will be *poof* disappear.. but sorry to say, it won't happen. Problems will make us stronger.. stronger in faith to God and stronger to face our daily life. I love the phrase "The more I pray, the more I feel Your strength inside of me" .. Yup, problems might still arise in our life, but God will strengthen us for sure, IF we pray without ceasing.

Be strong, fellas! God bless you!